With a new app for truck drivers, the Deutsche Umschlaggesellschaft Schiene-Straße (Duss) wants to speed up the transition from road to rail. Using the Nuremberg-based start-up Conroo, drivers log on to the terminal and book a time slot. With the eight-language app, they can also transfer freight and other data. The app can be integrated into any terminal operating system (TOS) and makes the frequently lengthy registration processes superfluous.
After successful test runs at the Frankfurt/Main, Kornwestheim and Ulm terminals, Duss is now also using the product in Munich. In the trimodal Tricon terminal at Bayernhafen in Nuremberg, the IT product is also proving its worth. By the end of 2022, app-based registrations should be possible in at least 20 terminals.
For Andreas Schulz, CEO of Duss, this product is a key element for the continuous digitization of terminal processes. “With the app, we can utilize our infrastructure more evenly and use it more efficiently,” he said at an interview in Munich, which was also attended by the new Bavarian Minister of Transport Christian Bernreiter (CSU).
For Felix Paul Czerny, Managing Director of Conroo, the entire logistics sector is benefiting from the railways decision for a neutral platform. “The app has the potential to become an integral part of every transport management system for multimodal traffic,” says the founder of the start-up, which has developed further terminal-specific applications such as a slot management platform.
Source: https://www.dvz.de/rubriken/land/kombinierter-verkehr/detail/news/fahrer-app-beschleunigt-terminalablaeufe.html
Posted on May 9, 2022By Art Ahmetaj
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