Eurogate wants to make Port of Hamburg safer with an app

In order to transport the drugs out, intermediaries repeatedly gain access to the terminals. Container terminal operator Eurogate wants to contain the problem with a new app. Until now, truck access cards were issued once and were then valid for several years. They could then easily be passed on to potential criminals.

App as a digital passport for truck drivers

The new app system is intended to provide greater security and efficiency. The app is virtually a digital passport and works on all common mobile devices and covers the entire process — from registration to fully digital verification of the driver to route planning. The created account is linked to the respective device. This is intended to make illegal transfer more difficult.

App should speed up registration process

Eurogate wants to gradually equip the more than 15,000 drivers with the system over the coming weeks. In addition to safety, it is also about efficiency. By logging into the various security areas, drivers often need more than 30 minutes to get to their respective containers. The app should save an average of 15 to 20 minutes.,hamburgerhafen202.html

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